White City Futbol Club is a volunteer organization that organizes indoor and outdoor recreational soccer for White City  and Emerald Park residents.  The outdoor season runs May and June with registration in March.  The indoor season runs October to March with registration in September.    

Friday January 24th,  2025

Annual General Meeting

The White City Futbol Club AGM will be held at 7:00 p.m., February 27th at Emerald Ridge School.

Please consider attending to find out more about the club and the available board positions. 

Friday January 17th,  2025

Call for Board Members

The White City Futbol Club has numerous board positions that need to be filled in order to continue to operate. If you have a child interested in playing soccer this year please consider volunteering for any of the following positions. 





 approximately 3-4 hours a month, several additional hours at year end.





Approximately 3 hours a month

Equipment Manager:



Approximately 12 to 15 hrs at season beginning and end in addition to several more hours throughout the season. 

Members at Large (2):



Approximately 3 hours per month and several hours during the week of the tournament

In addition board members are expected to attend the few local meetings throughout the year and may be asked to assist with occasional weekend supervision of the indoor season facilities in Balgonie. 

WCFC also hosts the end of your tournament/jamboree every second year in June. This will require a commitment of approximately 10 to 15  hours from each board member that week to organize the canteen and associated tournament tasks.

Please contact  Adam Slinn @ president.wcfc@gmail.com for more information.

Oct. 4,  2024  - Indoor Schedules

The 2024-25 Indoor schedules can be found here. 

Tuesday,  July 30, 2024

2024/25 Indoor Season Registration

We are excited to announce that registration for the upcoming indoor soccer season is now open! We are eager to get the season underway and welcome both returning players and newcomers to join us for a fun season.

We offer 6U-18U for the indoor season with games starting in late October through the end of March.

This season, we are pleased to introduce TeamLinkt as our new platform for registration. TeamLinkt offers a user-friendly experience that makes the registration process simple and efficient.

We also encourage you to download the TeamLinkt app as we will be using it as our main source of communication for team messages, game cancellations etc. once the season is underway.

To register your child, please follow these steps:

Please ensure that you complete the registration process by September 30, 2024 to secure your child’s spot for the season.

If you encounter any issues during registration or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at registrar.wcfc@gmail.com.

We are looking forward to another fantastic season of soccer and seeing all the kids out on the field again.

Thank you for your continued support.


WCFC Board Position is available (Posted June 1, 2024)

The White City Futbol Club currently has an opening for a Member at Large position on our board of directors. The role of  the Member at Large is to support the board in its effort to organize and oversee both the indoor and outdoor soccer seasons. The duties will be varied and will be determined by the board's current needs throughout the seasons but may include tasks such as:

The commitment to WCFC in this role would typically be less than 10 hours per season. The Member At Large is expected to take  part in the annual meeting and  other meetings throughout the year.